More Distributed Capture

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As distributed capture is becoming an increasingly hot topic, I attended a couple presentations on it at the recent Kofax Transform event in Austin. Kofax has a pretty heavy duty distributed capture model for its traditional Ascent Capture, now Kofax Capture environment. This has both up- and down-sides. The upside is that you get plenty of functionality in areas like security and automated data capture. The downside is the administration required to support thick clients at each distributed site.

Kofax also has an interesting pricing model for its recently renamed Kofax Capture Network Server (KCNS). (That’ s the product fomerly known as ACISAscent Capture Internet Server). It lists for $2,200 per seat, whether it’s being deployed as the centralized server or as a client. This is the same price as Kofax Capture. There is also volume-based licensing on top of the seat price. This could obviously get pretty expensive if you’re rolling out a big application, especially if you have light volume at some of the distributed sites….

Which is what Kofax’s Document Exchange Server (DES) is designed to address. This is Kofax’s server-based capture platform designed to run in conjunction with MFPs. HP seems to be their major partner in rolling out DES, which we presume can be used to feed a KCNS server implementation. It’s this type of hybrid environment that we think will dominate the capture landscape five to 10 years in the future.

One more distributed capture note. I recently authored a white paper Web-based capture for Oracle – which last year acquired Captovation – one of pioneers in Web-based distributed capture.

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