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Thoughts on Parascript/AIIM Forms Processing Study & White Paper

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Lot of interesting information in a recent study conducted by AIIM and sponsored by Parascript.

Parascript develops a slew of recognition technology including handprint and cursive recognition. Not surprisingly, a follow-up article written by Parascript’s Don Dew highlights some of the shortcomings in adoption of handprint/cursive recognition. According to Dew, “In most organizations, hand-written fields are prevalent on a significant number of forms. 42% of respondents indicated they have hand-written data fields on half or more of their forms. In addition to being prevalent, these hand-written forms are also important to the efficiency of the business process. 40% of respondents say they are quite important; 20% say they play a key role.”

 “However, many organizations are not taking advantage of this information. 88% of respondents say they scan forms, but only 32% say they perform text recognition to automatically make that data readily available for use in their organizations. The majority of respondents (55%) report they scan images and manually re-key the data as part of their workflow.”

 Of course, this is where Parascript’s technology could come in, or, the crowdsourcing data-entry solutions from companies like virtualsolutions and Captricity, which were featured in our last premium issue. Some combination of the two may actually form the most efficient solution.

Another interesting point made in the study is that users cited a multitude of forms as the number one reason that they are not using forms processing technology – in other words, they feel the templates are too hard to set up. This should be interesting news to companies like ITyX, a German artificial intelligence vendor that DIR was recently introduced to.

Anyhow, there is a lot of interesting stuff in this white paper about forms processing adoption, what end users are implementing it for, and why they are not in certain areas.  The bottom line to me seems to be that parochial/departmental management of many forms capture operations prevents users from looking at the top tier capture automation solutions out there. They just don’t have the bandwidth to consider the cutting edge technology that is most often included in enterprise capture applications. SaaS/Cloud services may prove to be the way around this.

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