Wow, talk about a ton of press releases for the middle of summer. We just posted like 8 more on the home page. Nothing too great:
TiS landed another high-end deal in a foreign country. Fujitsu came out with a new scanner. Open Text acquired a Digital Asset Management Company. In other words, it’s business as usual in the ECM community.
The most intriguting story of the day, however, comes out of NARA. The National Assocation for Records Management has announced it has doled out $20 million to two companies, Lockheed Martin and Harris Company to develop blueprints for a system for electronic archiving.
The contracts set up a one year competition between the two firms. Here’s what the press release says regarding this competition: “At the end of the one-year design competition, the National Archives will select one of these two contractors to build the Electronic Records Archives, a revolutionary system that will capture electronic information, regardless of its format, save it permanently, and make it accessible on whatever hardware or software is currently in use. Over the life of the contract, it is potentially worth hundreds of millions of dollars with countless positive implications for individuals, private businesses, and government organizations alike.”
Very interesting stuff. We’re going to try and invetigate where document imaging formats like PDF-A and microfilm play into this standard. Stay tuned to DIR.