How about that IBM. Goes out and acquires Venetica just ripping another OEM off the market. It’s very similar to what they did with Tarian a couple years ago. Tarian was all set to provide records management capabilities to all the document management vendors and IBM goes and buys them. Knocked FileNET out of the water. It’s take FileNET two more years before they came up with their own records management solution. What took so long? Don’t know everybody else seemed to come with one on less than half the time – maybe FileNET’s is more complex, but that’s another story…
Anyways FileNET and Inerwoven both had OEM deals with Venetica. FileNET’s was about a year old. You think that will end? ASAP. Just like Captiva cut out Mohomine right after it was acuired by Kofax. Still waiting for a Digital Mailroom deal. But that’s another story.
Anyways, the Interwoven relationship with IBM bears watching . IBM has a ton ECM stuff, but I don’t really think they have any WCM or EDM stuff – or even collaboration – which is what Interwoven specializes in. Not sure the WCM stuff is worth much, but it’s something at least – and the EDM and collaboration that might come in handy. Ole Max Panjwani from iManage was no dummy and I think he was kind angling his company to be bought by IBM…
That’s all for now.