Hey, if you’re here, thanks for comin’ here and reading my Blog. And please feel free and even pressured to contribute. I’d like to see what someone else has to say and I’m sure others would too. Heck, I’ve got a newlsetter and write for magazines as well. I’ve got enough forums this one’s yours…
A good sign for our industry that even though it’s summer, the news keeps coming pretty good. Check out the Web page for several interesting news releases that have crossed my desk this week.
First one deals with Dicom’s acquisition of Topccall. It seems like Kofax is entering the whole input/output realm that Jetform got started a number of years ago and many have since followed. Success has been mixed in this area, but people keep doing it and it seems momentum is slowly building. And Kofax paid like one time revenue.
The other real interesting deal is the Top Image Systems BKK installation. This seems like something close to a digital mailroom – at least the way ReadSoft and dakota have defined the market so far. Of course, we are sti ll waiting for Captiva’s true Digital Mailroom stuff to be installed, and Reynolds has promised us four by the end of the year… we’ll see.
Finally, Captiva’s stock at least seems to be up greatly in recent days following their announcement of a deal with the IRS. Somebody on the Yahoo! message board has started the rumor that this could leader to bigger and better things with the IRS – which doesn’t have a forms processing system for regular 1040s – but Captiva didn’t say much to further this speculation – but it’s nice to dream. Anyhow, Kofax tells me they have at least a couple of installations with the IRS as well – but of course, they don’t handle high volumes as well as Captiva does so…
That’s it for now.