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Infosource provides market sizing and in-depth analysis of the Intelligent Information Capture and the Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) market including an assessment and forecasts for geographies, use cases, vertical markets, business inputs etc.

Analysts in the Infosource Software Practice issue in-depth reports covering the Global and Regional State of the Capture & IDP Industry, Vertical Market Analysis, Vendor Assessment and Matrix as well as Special Reports and Research Notes covering topics that disrupt the market.
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Examples for Infosource Capture & IDP Software Reports

2022-2023 State of the Global Capture & IDP Market

This report provides an in-depth assessment of the global Capture & IDP market including historic market sizing, forecasts through 2027 including metrics like regions, use cases, verticals, business models etc. and vendor share information.

2022-2023 State of the EMEA Capture & IDP Market

This report provides an in-depth assessment of the EMEA Capture & IDP market including historic market sizing, forecasts through 2027 including metrics like regions, use cases, verticals, business models etc. and vendor share information.

The Worldwide Document Capture Software Vertical Markets Reports

This report identifies and quantifies vertical markets, providing a review by categorised by geography. Verticals include Banking & Financial Services, Insurance, Healthcare, Government, Manufacturing and more.

Additional reports

We also publish quarterly summaries on capture software with updated forecast revenues. These reports include news and special reports based on current market events.

Document Imaging Report

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